Product Information
Book Title : Funding Your Business
Author : Chris Daniel Wong
Language : English
Printing : Full colour
Pages : Around 200 pages
Publisher : SOMO Publishing
Book Author Introduction
Chris Daniel Wong is a serial investor entrepreneur and a corporate restructuring strategist with a passion to serve in nation building. Specialising in corporate finance and business capital funding, he has helped various businesses under his portfolio to successfully raise capital from investors. He is currently the lead advisor for several companies under his portfolio embarking on IPO listing on Bursa Malaysia, the Australian’s Stock Exchange, and the Singapore Exchange.
Currently, he serves as the President of Malaysia Digital Chamber of Commerce. Prior to this, he was the Vice President of UN Global Compact Network Malaysia. He was formerly the Secretary General and council member of the ASEAN Retail-Chains & Franchise Federation from 2009 to 2016 and the Charter President for Junior Chamber International Entrepreneur Metropolitan Kuala Lumpur in 2011.
Book Content
0. Fundraising in a COVID-19 Fuelled Pandemic
1. Understanding Business Strategy
2. Business Life Cycle
3. Understanding Capital Markets
4. Going Into the Capital Markets
5. Requirements for a Company to Enter the Capital Markets
6. Credibility Is Important Before Entering the Capital Markets
7. Corporate Branding Matters
8. Conducting Due Diligence
9. Curating A Winning Pitch Deck for Successful Capital Raising
10. How To Raise Capital for Your Business